I took the last week off from working at The Samarya Center so I could work at home on my book, which has been taking a back seat for quite a while. It was awesome. I created a structure and stuck to it and was pleased with how much I got done. So I made a list of things I wanted to do over the weekend, and though it was quite long, I felt optimistic about being able to do it because I was feeling so productive. When I just decide to do something and don’t have all the internal discussion about it (do I want to do it, am I going to do it, etc.), I have so much more energy to actually do stuff. It went great yesterday—I did a number of things on my list and still had time for my nephew’s basketball game and some relaxation (which, of course, is often one of the other discussion topics—if I do this, will I have time for this other thing?).
So today, I woke up with appreciation for my re-discovered appreciation for structure and no doubt that I would complete my weekend’s tasks. I am master of my own fate, a task-completing machine, yes! What I didn’t take into account is that other people exist in my universe and life is out of my control. So I spent most of the afternoon helping my husband fix our leaky kitchen faucet and grocery shopping. While we were out and about at Lowe’s and Trader Joe’s, I could feel my inner control freak doing what she does best—freaking out. She was not enjoying the fact that her plans were being so callously ignored.
I managed to keep my cool (sort of). I don’t want to live my life feeling incompetent and not accomplishing the things I want to do because I never get around to them. And I also don’t want to be so attached to my plans and lists and schedules that I can’t go with the flow of life. Somewhere in the middle, there’s a balance. So I think two of my words for 2011 are going to be structure and fluidity. It’s sort of like abhyasa (practice) and vairagya (non-attachment). Discipline and commitment to practice create the structure that gets things done, but non-attachment allows me not to get stuck, which happens to be something I am very good at. I’m sure we’ll have more coming down the pike on these subjects.
So, now that I have written this blog post, I can cross off 2 out the 5 things I had left on my list today. I’m sure I can do the rest in the next couple days. Not too bad.
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